Most Traded Cryptocurrencies | Most Popular Cryptocurrencies | IFCM India
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Most Traded Cryptocurrencies

The cryptocurrency market is extremely diverse. With a few hurdles to overcome, almost anyone who understands blockchain technology can launch their own cryptocurrency if they are so inclined. There are currently more than 1,600 cryptocurrencies traded on large, medium and specialized exchanges.

If you are new to The Crypto World, first get to know What is crypto market.

Since the advent of cryptocurrencies, the two most popular cryptocurrencies have been Bitcoin and Ethereum.

If you are interested in participating in the cryptocurrency market by trading crypto futures on the most popular cryptocurrencies on the market, you can do so using the IFC Markets CFD trading platform.

Cryptocurrencies attract the attention of investors, at the same time though high volatility scares others away as well. And one of the main reasons behind the volatility of cryptocurrencies is their newness. (new concepts take time to settle). And this factor (volatility) is often used by speculators, which, in turn explains such a huge number of cryptocurrencies on the market - supply demand simple rule.


  • The cryptocurrency market is extremely diverse.
  • Bitcoin and Ethereum are still the most traded cryptocurrencies.
  • Cryptocurrencies attract the attention of investors, at the same time though high volatility scares others away as well.
  • There are currently more than 1,600 cryptocurrencies traded on large, medium and specialized exchanges.

Most Traded Cryptocurrencies

Almost a decade after the creation of Bitcoin, there are now hundreds of cryptocurrencies, but only a few of them make up approximately 99% of the market. While investors are generally skeptical about new currencies in general and cryptocurrencies in particular, many are now eager to get involved in the action in the cryptocurrency market.

Indeed, the tumultuous start of cryptocurrencies did not foresee the time when the value of one bitcoin would reach $60,000. So you may be wondering what digital currencies are popular at the moment. In this article, we will look at the best-selling cryptocurrencies of 2021 to find worthy investments and expectations for the future.

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What are the Most Traded Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin - Market cap - over $846 billion

Bitcoin, often described as a virtual currency or digital currency, is a type of money that is completely virtual, in other words the online version of cash. It can be used to buy goods and services, but so far not many stores accept bitcoin, and in some countries it is banned altogether. Although some companies are beginning to embrace the growing influence of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is still the most popular cryptocurrency and its price movement has a strong impact on the rest of the cryptocurrency market. Generally, the price of Bitcoin depends on many factors such as the community, news, regulations and more. Knowledge of these factors is essential if you want to know how to trade Bitcoin.

Ethereum - Market cap - over $361 billion

Ethereum is a platform based on blockchain technology that is best known for its own cryptocurrency called ether, or ETH, or simply Ethereum. The distributed nature of blockchain technology is what makes the Ethereum platform secure, and this security allows ETH to accumulate value.

The Ethereum platform supports many more applications than ETH and other cryptocurrencies. Network users can create, publish, monetize and use a wide range of applications on the Ethereum platform, and can also use ETH or other cryptocurrencies as payment. Since the launch of Ethereum, Ethereum as a cryptocurrency has grown to become the second largest cryptocurrency by market value. Second only to Bitcoin.

Tether - Market cap - over $79 billion

Tether (USDT) is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency whose tokens are backed by the equivalent amount of US dollars in circulation, making it a stablecoin with a price pegged to 1 US dollar. Stablecoins track traditional fiat currencies such as the dollar, euro, or Japanese yen, which are held in a dedicated bank account. Developed by the BitFinex crypto exchange, Tether tokens are the native tokens of the Tether network and trade under the USDT symbol.

As of October 2021, USDT is the fifth largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization and is worth over $68 billion. Tether is convenient for crypto investors as it offers a way to avoid the extreme volatility of other cryptocurrencies. In addition, the presence of USDT eliminates transaction costs and delays that hinder the execution of trades in the crypto market.

Binance Coin - Market cap - over $68 billion

This cryptocurrency was issued by the Binance exchange and trades with the BNB symbol. As of June 2021, Binance Exchange is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, supporting over 1.4 million transactions per second. BNB was originally based on the Ethereum network, but is now the native currency of Binance's own blockchain, the Binance Network.

While 100 million Binance tokens were originally offered in the ICO, the current total supply is lower. Every quarter, Binance uses a fifth of its profits to buy back and permanently destroy or “burn” the Binance coins held in its treasury. On April 15, 2021, when Binance burned a total of 1,099,888 BNB, equivalent to $595,314,380 worth of tokens. This is Binance's 15th quarterly BNB burn and the largest ever in dollar terms.

The total supply of BNB decreased from 170,532,825 to 169,432,937. In addition to the Binance exchange, Binance Coin has several uses, including the ability to: make credit card payments, pay for travel (on some websites), buy virtual gifts, processing payments, make investments, make loans and transfers, and donate to charity.

XRP - Market cap - over $37 billion

XRP is the native cryptocurrency for products developed by Ripple Labs. Its products are used for payment settlement, asset exchange and money transfer systems, which are more like SWIFT, an international money and securities transfer service used by a network of banks and financial intermediaries. XRP is pre-mined and uses a less complex mining method compared to Bitcoin.

Ripple position itself as a global payment network whose clients include major banks and financial services. XRP is used in its products to facilitate fast conversion between different currencies.

Every time a transaction is made on the Ripple network, the user (individual or organization) is charged a small amount of XRP. The Ripple system scores better than the bitcoin network for its lower processing times and lower transaction charges.

Terra - Market cap - over $34 billion

Terra is an open source payment platform for algorithmic stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies that track the price of currencies or other assets. The Terra blockchain allows users to instantly spend, save, trade or exchange Terra stablecoins on it. Since the main value of stablecoins is determined by the stability of the price peg, which avoids the volatility that is typical for cryptocurrencies, the Terra protocol supports the price of the Terra stablecoin, ensuring that supply and demand for it is always balanced.

Luna is a variable counterbalance to the Terra stablecoin and absorbs its volatility. To understand how Terra works, imagine that the entire "economy" of Terra consists of a pool of Terra and a pool of Luna. In order to maintain Terra's price, Luna's reserves are increased or subtracted from Terra's reserves; users burn the Luna to mint Terra, and burn Terra to mint the Luna.

Cardano - Market cap - over $33 billion

It is a third-generation decentralized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain platform designed as a more efficient alternative to PoW networks. The heart of any blockchain platform is the algorithm it uses to create blocks and validate transactions. Cardano uses Ouroboros, an algorithm that uses the proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol to mine blocks. The protocol is designed to reduce energy costs in the block production process to a minimum.

This is achieved by eliminating the need for hash power, or massive computing resources, which are central to the functioning of the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm used by Bitcoin. Ouroboros works like this - it divides physical time into epochs, which are made up of slots, which are fixed periods of time. Slots are like working shifts in a factory.

Currently an epoch is five days long and a slot is one second long, but these numbers are configurable and subject to change once an update is offered. Epochs work in a circle: when one ends, another begins. Each slot has a leader slot, selected by the "lottery" system. In this system, the higher the bet, the more chances to win the lottery.

Slot managers are responsible for the following tasks: verifying transactions, creating transaction blocks, adding newly created blocks to the Cardano blockchain.

Solana - Market cap - over $33 billion

Solana is a blockchain platform designed to host decentralized, scalable applications. Solana, founded in 2017, is an open source project currently managed by the Solana Foundation based in Geneva. It is much faster in terms of the number of transactions it can process and has significantly lower transaction fees compared to competing blockchains like Ethereum.

The Solana blockchain operates on both the Proof of History (PoH) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) models. PoS allows validators (those who validate transactions added to the blockchain ledger) to validate transactions based on how many coins or tokens they hold; PoH allows these transactions to be timestamped and validated very quickly.

Avalanche - Market cap - over $22 billion

Avalanche (AVAX) is a cryptocurrency and blockchain platform that competes with Ethereum. AVAX is the native blockchain token of Avalanche, which, like Ethereum, uses smart contracts to support various blockchain projects. The Avalanche blockchain can provide near-instantaneous completion of transactions. AVAX is used to pay transaction processing fees and secure the Avalanche network, and also acts as the primary unit of account among blockchains on the Avalanche network.

Avalanche is generally governed by the proof-of-stake mechanism. AVAX holders must stake — agree not to trade or sell — AVAX in exchange for the right to confirm AVAX transactions. AVAX holders with the most stakes and actively participating as validators are the most likely to be selected as validators for new Avalanche blocks. Ownership of AVAX tokens is also required to vote on proposals to govern Avalanche.

Most Popular 10 Cryptocurrencies

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Tether
  • Binance Coin
  • USD Coin
  • XRP
  • Terra
  • Cardano
  • Solana
  • Avalanche

Find more information about top 10 and other minor cryptocurrencies' names, cryptocurrency abbreviations, symbols and more with IFC Markets.

Crypto FAQs

What is Cryptocurrency Trading?

Cryptocurrency trading is the exchange of digital currency between traders. The fluctuations caused by supply and demand allow traders to profit from it. Cryptocurrency trading is both risky and rewarding due to its volatility.

How to Trade Cryptocurrencies?

You’ll need to open an account with a crypto brokerage company. The next step is to choose a trading platform. After that choose crypto to invest in and strategy to trade with. Final step is to store your cryptocurrency.

Can you Trade Crypto 24/7?

Yes. Cryptocurrency markets are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round. Traders have the opportunity to buy and sell without restrictions as the cryptocurrency markets do not close.

What are Most Traded Cryptos?

These are the 5 most traded cryptos all over the world

  • Bitcoin - Market cap over $846 billion
  • Ethereum - Market cap over $361 billion
  • Tether - Market cap - over $79 billion
  • Binance Coin - Market cap - over $68 billion
  • XRP - Market cap - over $37 billion

What is Cryptocurrency Market?

Cryptocurrency is a form of decentralized currency and It's a completely digital asset. At its core, cryptocurrency uses blockchain technology to generate code segments that are unique for each transaction, just like serial numbers. Every time cryptocurrencies exchange hands, code segments are written to a decentralized ledger.

Marisha Movsesyan
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